Hub Polishing

See samples of Polishing carried out on customers Hubs

Please click the links below to view larger images and more information about this service.

Disc Front

This hub is from a Honda CB400 and as you can see has seen better days.

We will Strip and clean it before polishing.

Please see the AFTER image to see how well it came up.

This Hub is from a Honda CB400 and has been through the process of strip, clean and polish

As you can see if you look at the before image it has come up really well.

Average cost for this service is £60.00 per hub inc VAT


Full Width Rear

We will strip, clean and prepare it for polishing

This Hub is from a Honda CB400 and as like the Front Disc Hub has also seen better days.

Please see the AFTER image to view the finished product.

We have Stripped , cleaned and polished the exposed flanges. Due the the poor casting polishing the centre ribs was not an option so the customer opted for a blasted & lacqured finish in this area.

Average cost for this service is £70.00 per hub inc VAT

This Hub is from a Honda CB400 and as you can see has cleaned up really well

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